Poor Valley - The Band

The South Side of Clinch Mountain...
Years ago, as fate would have it for two kindred spirits, I ran across a distant cousin on one of my boundless genealogy crusades in 2009. What has blossomed from then is Poor Valley, The Band. Find and follow us on Facebook
Karen Poston

Linda Costello Hinchey
Jon Burge
Genre:  Nouveau Mountain 


Bound by a common ancestor, Karen met Linda in 2009 and they have been tuning their sister-like harmonies to Karen's originals and oodles of traditional tunes since early 2010. Jon Burge plays guitar, mandolin and bass, depending on necessity, and adds his rich baritone harmonies at every appropriate chance. Their family style trio is just starting to record and hoping to be appearing at a listening room near you in the very near future.


  1. I follow you and you follow me on pintrest. I'm Chris..... Keeper of History.

    Irony; Both sides of my family are from Bristol. My Father's family is organically from Saltville


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